Forgot Password?

In case you forget your password, just follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click on Login

Step 3: Click on Forgot Password

Step 4: Enter your email address used in the SilidLMS

Step 5: Click on Send Reset Link

Once you reach that point, proceed with the steps below.

The mobile number you used during registration receives a message containing a one-time password. MAKE SURE NOT TO SHARE THIS WITH OTHER PEOPLE AS THEY MAY RESET THE PASSWORD.

Step 6: Enter the one-time password, and then click Verify.

Step 7: You are then redirected to a new page. Enter your new password here. Kindly make sure to add the following in your new password;

a. At least 10 characters

b. It must contain an uppercase character

c. It must contain a numeric character

d. And must contain any symbol

Step 8: When done entering the new password, click "SAVE" to activate your new password.

Step 9: Sign in to your account using the new password.

Please make sure to remember your new password.